Can You Get Bail for Felony Charges? What Are Your Options?

If you're arrested and don't want to spend your time in jail, you can get out by posting bail. However, bail bonds aren't comprehensive, and you can't use them for every charge on the books. If you were arrested on felony charges and want to know if felony bail bonds are an option, you've come to the right place. 

If you are looking for felony bail bonds for a loved one, 1 Stop Bail Bonds is here to help. Call (915) 544-7867 for our Downtown El Paso office and (915) 533-2255 for our Far East El Paso office.

Are There Felony Bail Bonds?

The short answer is that if you are arrested on felony charges, you can use bail bonds to gain temporary freedom until your trial date. However, because there are so many different felony charges, the cost of your bond will vary. More severe felony charges may also disqualify you from posting bail, especially if you're a repeat offender. 

A Guide to Texas Felony Bail Bonds 

The cost of felony bail bonds in El Paso typically depends on the type of bail necessary and at what level you're being held. 

  • First-Degree Felonies - Aside from capital felonies, first-degree felonies are one of the most serious offenses you can commit in Texas. It can include things like sexual assault, arson, and attempted murder, and the felony bail bonds can be up to several hundred thousand dollars. 

  • Second-Degree Felonies - Bail for a second-degree felony can be anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000. 

  • Third-Degree Felonies - A third-degree felony is a moderate to serious charge, and bail is often several thousand to $20,000. 

  • State Jail Felonies - These are the lowest grade of felony, and bail bonds often cost anywhere from several thousand dollars to $30,000. 

  • Capital Felonies - Capital felonies are the most serious types of felony charges and include things like premeditated murder, corporate espionage, and more. As such, felony bail bonds will be the most expensive for capital felonies or may be denied altogether. 

Aside from the type of felony you were charged with, other factors that affect the size of your bail and whether or not you qualify include: 

  • Whether or not you have prior convictions. 

  • If you're considered a flight risk. 

  • If you're an otherwise upstanding citizen. 

  • How old you are and if you're a danger to the public. 

Felony Bail Bonds in El Paso 

If you or a loved one are charged with a felony and require felony bail bonds, 1 Stop Bail Bonds is here to assist you. We're a leading provider of surety, misdemeanor, and felony bail bonds in the El Paso area and are here to assist your bond needs. Call (915) 544-7867 for our Downtown El Paso office and (915) 533-2255 for our Far East El Paso office.


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